The policy forum “Prospects of China’s Agricultural Economy in 2030” holds in Beijing on Nov. 19, 2010
11 24, 2010Professor HUANG Jikun, director of Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy,receives the 2010 IRRI Outstanding Alumni Award
11 18, 2010The Executive Committee of International Geographical Union consisting of 9 delegates paid a visit to IGSNRR on Nov. 4, 2010
11 15, 2010Prof. Paul Longley from University College of London gave a report in IGSNRR on Oct. 19, 2010
10 26, 2010the 2nd Student Capacity Building Workshop “Environmental Change and Health Security in Beijing-Tianjin Urban Area” was held inthe Institute of Geographic Science and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR) on October 13-16, 2010.
10 23, 2010The 3rd Workshop on “Environmental Change and Health Security in Beijing-Tianjin Urban Area” holds in Beijing, on Oct. 11-12,2010
10 22, 2010An academic forum holds in Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS on September 19.
10 05, 2010The second international workshop for IAC (Inter-Academy Council) water programme holds in Beijing , with the theme of water vulnerability and adaptive governance under climate change and development.
09 25, 2010Workshop on Koshi River Cooperation Project was held on the Emei Mountain in Sichuan Province, China on August 23-26, 2010.
09 12, 20102010 Regional Conference of International Geographical Union (IGU) was held in Tel Aviv, Israel on July 12-16
08 06, 2010