Hosted Societies
  • The Geographical Society of China

    The Geographical Society of China is one of the earliest established academic societies in China. Her predecessor is the Geoscience Society of China organized by Zhang Xiangwen in Tianjin in 1909. In 1934, Zhu Kezhen, a well-known scientist, founded the Geographical Society of China in Nanjing. At the founding of the P.R.China, the two organizations were merged into the current Geographical Society of China in 1950.

  • China Society of Natural Resources

    China Society of Natural Resources (CSNR), approved by China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) in September 1980 and found in October 1983, is a national, academic and non-profit societal community under the joint leadership with the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

  • The China Society of Tibetan Plateau

    The top droit institution of The China Society on Tibet Plateau is its national representatives congress, which is convened every 4 years. The main tasks of the national representatives congress are to decide the society's policies and roles, to make and modify the society's constitutions, to vote the society's council, to checkup the work report and the financial affairs of the society.