Title Authors
B-FGC-Net: A Building Extraction Network from High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery Wang Yong, Zeng Xiangqiang, Liao Xiaohan, Zhuang Dafang
Influence of Rural Social Capital and Production Mode on the Subjective Well-Being of Farmers and Herdsmen: Empirical Discovery on Farmers and Herdsmen in Inner Mongolia Li Wenlong, Dong Suocheng, Lin Haiying, Li Yu etc.
Direct estimation of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation from solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) Liu Zhunqiao, Zhao Feng, Liu Xinjie, Yu Qiang etc.
Recommended risk screening values for Cd in high geological background area of Guangxi, China Xiao Naichuan, Wang Fopeng, Tang Lebin, Zhu Liangliang etc.
Exogenous application of liquiritin alleviated salt stress and improved growth of Chinese kale plants Akram Waheed, Yasin Nasim Ahmad, Shah Anis Ali, Khan Waheed Ullah etc.
Particle Size Distribution Characteristics Within Different Regions of Mature Squall-Line Based on the Analysis of Global Precipitation Measurement Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar Retrieval Zhu Ziwei, Qi Youcun, Cao Qing, Li Donghuan etc.
Identification and risk prediction of potentially contaminated sites in the Yangtze River Delta Jiang Yefeng, Huang Mingxiang, Chen Xueyao, Wang Zhige etc.
Gridded reconstruction of the population in the traditional cultivated region of China from 1776 to 1953 Zhang Xuezhen, Wang Fahao, Lu Weidong, Li Shicheng etc.
The Impact of Climate Variability and Change on Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa: Perspective from Panel Data Analysis Affoh Raifatou, Zheng Haixia, Dangui Kokou, Dissani Badoubatoba Mathieu
Global assessment of wind erosion based on a spatially distributed RWEQ model Yang Guocheng, Sun Ranhao, Jing Yongcai, Xiong Muqi etc.