Title Authors
Quantitative Analysis on Coastline Changes of Yangtze River Delta Based on High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images Wu Qi, Miao Shiqi, Huang Haili, Guo Mao etc.
Explaining the sustained public participation of ENGOs in China's water governance: A case study of the 'civilian river chiefs' under the theoretical framework of 'double embeddedness' Wang Raymond Yu, Peng Ying, Liu Yi
Quaternary environmental changes in central Chukotka (NE Russia) inferred from the Lake El'gygytgyn pollen records Zhao Wenwei, Andreev Andrei A., Wennrich Volker, Li Quan etc.
The Coastal Tourism Climate Index (CTCI): Development, Validation, and Application for Chinese Coastal Cities Gao Caixia, Liu Jiaming, Zhang Shuying, Zhu He etc.
Geo-eco-hydrology of the Upper Yellow River Brierley Gary J., Han Meiqin, Li Xilai, Li Zhiwei etc.
A framework for determining lowest navigable water levels with nonstationary characteristics Wang Lu, Xie Ping, Xu Chong-Yu, Sang Yan-Fang etc.
Reclamation and Ecological Service Value Evaluation of Coastal Wetlands Using Multispectral Satellite Imagery Yan Jinfeng, Du Jiaxue, Su Fenzhen, Zhao Shiyi etc.
Changes in precipitation regime lead to acceleration of the N cycle and dramatic N2O emission Zhang Kerou, Li Mingxu, Yan Zhongqing, Li Meng etc.
Dynamic process of a typical slope debris flow: a case study of the wujia gully, Zengda, Sichuan Province, China Yao Shunyu, Bazai Nazir Ahmed, Tang Jinbo, Jiang Hu etc.
Spatiotemporal evolution of pseudo human settlements: case study of 36 cities in the three provinces of Northeast China from 2011 to 2018 Tian Shenzhen, Li Xueming, Yang Jun, Wang Hui etc.