Title Authors
Structure and robustness of China's railway transport network Xin Zhongling, Niu Fangqu
Enhanced delivery of engineered Fe-Mn binary oxides in heterogeneous porous media for efficient arsenic stabilization Yan Xiulan, Fei Yang, Yang Xiao, Liang Tao etc.
Chemical fertilizer rate, use efficiency and reduction of cereal crops in China, 1998-2018 Xin Liangjie
Updatable dataset revealing decade changes in land cover types in Mongolia Wang Juanle, Wei Haishuo, Cheng Kai, Ochir Altansukh, Shao Yating
The isotopic patterns and source apportionment of nitrate and ammonium in atmospheric aerosol Dong Xinyuan, Guo Qingjun, Han Xiaokun, Wei Rongfei etc.
The direct and lag effects of administrative division adjustment on urban expansion patterns in Chinese mega-urban agglomerations Feng Rundong, Wang Kaiyong
What does community-embedded care mean to aging-in-place in China? A relational approach Li Yuan, Yu Jie, Gao Xiaolu, Rosenberg Mark W.
Livelihood Diversification Helps Herder Households on the Mongolian Plateau Reduce Emissions: A Case Study of a Typical Pastoral Area Li Zhidong, Liu Moucheng
Development of a fine-resolution snow depth product based on the snow cover probability for the Tibetan Plateau: Validation and spatial-temporal analyses Yan Dajiang, Ma Ning, Zhang Yinsheng
A Deep Neural Network for the Estimation of Tree Density Based on High-Spatial Resolution Image Liu Tang, Yao Ling, Qin Jun, Lu Jiaying etc.