Title Authors
Potential evaluation of different intercropping remediation modes based on remediation efficiency and economic benefits - a case study of arsenic-contaminated soil Yan Yunxian, Yang Jun, Guo Yue, Yang Junxing etc.
Changes and Relationships between Components in the Plant-Soil System and the Dominant Plant Functional Groups in Alpine Kobresia Meadows Due to Overgrazing Lin Li, Cao Guangmin, Xu Xingliang, Li Chunli etc.
Soil specific enzyme stoichiometry reflects nitrogen limitation of microorganisms under different types of vegetation restoration in the karst areas Guan Hui Ling, Fan Jiang Wen, Lu Xiankai
Global patterns of particulate organic carbon export from land to the ocean Li Mingxu, Peng Changhui, He Nianpeng
Coupled effects of landscape structures and water chemistry on bacterioplankton communities at multi-spatial scales Shu Wang, Wang Peng, Xu Qiyu, Zeng Ting etc.
Estimation and testing of linkages between forest structure and rainfall interception characteristics of a Robinia pseudoacacia plantation on China's Loess Plateau Ma Changkun, Luo Yi, Shao Mingan, Jia Xiaoxu
Attribution of vegetation coverage change to climate change and human activities based on the geographic detectors in the Yellow River Basin, China Deng Xiaojuan, Hu Shi, Zhan Chesheng
Agricultural Land Abandonment and Retirement Mapping in the Northern China Crop-Pasture Band Using Temporal Consistency Check and Trajectory-Based Change Detection Approach Du Zhenrong, Yang Jianyu, Ou Cong, Zhang Tingting
Non-linear relations between life expectancy, socio-economic, and air pollution factors: a global assessment with spatial disparities (Mar, 10.1007/s11356-022-19644-7, 2022) Pu Haixia, Wang Shaobin, Wang Zhaolin, Ran Zimi etc.
Potential, risks, and benefits of the extract recycled from Pteris vittata arsenic-rich biomass as a broiler growth promoter Cai Wen, Chen Tongbin, Lei Mei, Wan Xiaoming