Title Authors
Spatiotemporal Distribution of Atmospheric Pollutants and Its Relationship with Vegetation Index in the Major Grain-Producing Areas of China Zang Zhenfeng, Li Yonghua, Zhang Fengying
Migration characteristics of microplastics based on source-sink investigation in a typical urban wetland Xia Feiyang, Liu Hongtao, Zhang Jun, Wang Dunqiu
Catalytic hydrogenolysis of As-enriched Pteris vittata L. into high quality biofuel and study on the migration of heavy metals Hu Ying, Jiang Haiwei, Hu Mei, Liu Yunyan etc.
Scenario Analysis of Livestock Carrying Capacity Risk in Farmland from the Perspective of Planting and Breeding Balance in Northeast China Zhao Zhe, Deng Xiangzheng, Zhang Fan, Li Zhihui etc.
The productive efficiency of community health service stations in China: Taking Shandong province as a case Qiu Leijie, Yang Linsheng, Li Hairong, Wang Li
Hydrological evaluation of satellite and reanalysis-based rainfall estimates over the Upper Tekeze Basin, Ethiopia Reda Kidane Welde, Liu Xingcai, Haile Gebremedhin Gebremeskel etc.
Assimilating an expanded tree ring dataset to reconstruct the millennial air temperature fields for the Northern Hemisphere Fang Miao, Zheng Jingyun, Wang Jianglin, Zhu Haifeng etc.
Assessment of the Factors Influencing Sulfur Dioxide Emissions in Shandong, China Wu Huisheng, Hong Shan, Hu Maogui, Li Yongheng etc.
Eco-geographical Regionalization of China: An Approach Using the Rough Set Method Deng Haoyu, Wu Shaohong, Yin Yunhe, Gao Jiangbo etc.
Contributions of climate change to cereal yields in Tibet, 1993–2017 Ding Rui, Shi Wenjiao