Title Authors
Spatiotemporal valuation of cultural and natural landscapes contributing to Pakistan's cultural ecosystem services Shedayi Arshad Ali, Xu Ming, Gonalez-Redin Julen, Ali Amjad, Shahzad Laila etc.
Methods for the construction of DEMs of artificial slopes considering morphological features and semantic information Xu Yan, Zhao Ming-wei, Lu Jie, Wang Chun etc.
The Evolution of China's High-Level Talent Mobility Network: A Comparative Analysis Based on School and Work Stage Zhang Fangfang, Liu Hui, Zhang Juntao, Cheng Yi
Effects of climate change on major elements of the hydrological cycle in Aksu River basin, northwest China Yang Peng, Wang Wenyu, Xia Jun, Chen Yaning etc.
A study of the temporal and spatial variations in the suitability of the environment in Chinese cities for tourism and in strategies for optimizing the environment Li Ying, Zhang Shuhui, Han Jingting, Zhao Yi etc.
Emerging risks of toxic metal(loid)s in soil-vegetables influenced by steel-making activities and isotopic source apportionment (vol 146, 106207, 2021) Wang Jin, Wang Lulu, Wang Yuxuan, Tsang Daniel C. W. etc.
Assessment of flood susceptibility mapping using support vector machine, logistic regression and their ensemble techniques in the Belt and Road region Liu Jun, Wang Jiyan, Xiong Junnan, Cheng Weiming etc.
Nation-scale reference evapotranspiration estimation by using deep learning and classical machine learning models in China Dong Juan, Zhu Yuanjun, Jia Xiaoxu, Shao Ming'an etc.
Optimizing nitrogen fertilizer application under reduced irrigation strategies for winter wheat of the north China plain Liu Ying, Han Meikun, Zhou Xiaonan, Li Wei etc.
The story of grain self-sufficiency: China's food security and food for thought Niu Yingnan, Xie Gaodi, Xiao Yu, Liu Jingya etc.