Title Authors
Substantial health benefits of strengthening guidelines on indoor fine particulate matter in China Xie Yang, Wang Ying, Zhang Yichi, Fan Wenhong etc.
A preliminary assessment of the space-for-time substitution method in soil carbon change prediction Yang Ren-Min, Zhu Chang-Ming, Zhang Xin, Huang Lai-Ming
Spatiotemporal Variations of Plague Risk in the Tibetan Plateau from 1954-2016 Yuan Xing, Yang Linsheng, Li Hairong, Wang Li
Multivariate statistical analysis of potentially toxic elements in soils under different land uses: Spatial relationship, ecological risk assessment, and source identification He Yuejun, Han Xiaoxiao, Ge Jingsong, Wang Lingqing
The Influence of Riparian Vegetation on the Sinuosity and Lateral Stability of Meandering Channels Zhu Lekui, Chen Dong, Hassan Marwan A., Venditti Jeremy G.
The role of discontinuities in the susceptibility, development, and runout of rock avalanches: a review Lan Hengxing, Zhang Yixing, Macciotta Renato, Li Langping etc.
Multiple responses of fine root resource uptake strategies to gravel content in a subtropical plantation Fu Xiaoli, Meng Shengwang, Kou Liang, Dai Xiaoqin etc.
Improving surface soil moisture retrievals through a novel assimilation algorithm to estimate both model and observation errors Tian Jiaxin, Qin Jun, Yang Kun, Zhao Long etc.
A novel geographic evolution tree based on econometrics for analyzing regional differences in determinants of Chinese CO2 emission intensity Zhou Yannan, Yang Yu, Xia Siyou
Temporal and spatial evolution and influencing factors of the port system in Yangtze River Delta Region from the perspective of dual circulation: Comparing port domestic trade throughput with port foreign trade throughput Jiang Ziran, Pi Chunfang, Zhu Huayou, Wang Chengjin etc.