Title Authors
Upslope sediment-laden flow impacts on ephemeral gully erosion: Evidences from field monitoring and laboratory simulation Xu Ximeng, Zheng Fenli, Tang Qiuhong, Wilson Glenn V etc.
Cultivation of non-irrigated spring wheat in temperate free-grazing steppe improved both ecosystem and canopy water use efficiency Li Yuzhe, Zhang Xinyuan, Hu Zhongmin, Shao Quanqin etc.
Invasive herbaceous respond more negatively to elevated ozone concentration than native species Wang Lichao, Li Yan, Liu Yanjie
A comparative study of land development patterns and regional thermal environments (RTEs) in typical urban agglomerations of China and America: A case study of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) and Boswash Shen Zhicheng, Xu Xinliang, Xu Shuwan, Sun Daowei
Comparisons of Dynamic Landslide Models on GIS Platforms Wu Yuming, Tian Aohua, Lan Hengxing
Change Analysis on the Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Main Crop Planting in the Middle Yangtze Plain Jiang Luguang, Wu Si, Liu Ye
The Effect of Plate and Decoration Color on Consumer Food Waste in Restaurants: A Case of Four Chinese Cities Zhang Panpan, Fu Shaopeng, Liu Xiaojie
Azimuthally anisotropic seismic ambient noise tomography of South China block Guo Zhi, Gao Xing
Comparative effects of environmental factors on bacterial communities in two types of indoor dust: Potential risks to university students Wu Zhineng, Lyu Honghong, Ma Xiaodong, Ren Gengbo etc.
Urban Land Expansion from Scratch to Urban Agglomeration in the Federal District of Brazil in the Past 60 Years Li Zhichao, Gurgel Helen, Li Minmin, Dessay Nadine etc.