Title Authors
Navigating local environment and scientific knowledge in dryland social-ecological systems through linking ecological policy-household interactions with land surface dynamics Sun Qiangqiang, Zhang Ping, Jiang Wanbei, Qu Wei etc.
Analysis on the Change of Ecosystem Service Value of National Forest Park and Its Coupling with Social Economy in the Past 40 Years Wang Yuan, Yang Yinan, Li Jing, Zhao Minyan etc.
Influence of soil properties, topography, and land cover on soil organic carbon and total nitrogen concentration: A case study in Qinghai-Tibet plateau based on random forest regression and structural equation modeling Dai Lijun, Ge Jingsong, Wang Lingqing, Zhang Qian etc.
Organic fertilizer amendment promotes wheat resistance to herbivory and biocontrol services via bottom-up effects in agroecosystems Gu Shimin, Zalucki Myron P., Men Xingyuan, Li Jing etc.
Dissecting the Mutual Response of Potential Evapotranspiration with Vegetation Cover/Land Use over Heilongjiang River Basin, China Zhou Yezhi, Wang Juanle, Grigorieva Elena, Li Kai
Spatial-temporal evolution pattern and prediction analysis of flood disasters in China in recent 500 years Wei Cuixia, Guo Bing, Zhang Hailing, Han Baomin etc.
Integrating DMSP-OLS and NPP-VIIRS Nighttime Light Data to Evaluate Poverty in Southwestern China Yong Zhiwei, Li Kun, Xiong Junnan, Cheng Weiming etc.
Implementation of Wilheit Model for Predicting L-Band Microwave Emission in the Third Pole Environment Wu Xiaojing
Spatial-temporal evolution of agricultural ecological risks in China in recent 40 years Zou Lilin, Wang Yongsheng, Liu Yansui
Increased annual methane uptake driven by warmer winters in an alpine meadow Wang Peiyan, Wang Jinsong, Elberling Bo, Yang Lu etc.