Title Authors
Spatial-temporal collaborative relation among ecological footprint depth/size and economic development in Chengyu urban agglomeration Chen Yizhong, Lu Hongwei, Yan Pengdong, Qiao Youfeng etc.
Remote Sensing Based Conservation Effectiveness Evaluation of Mangrove Reserves in China Liu Xiaoliang, Yang Xiaomei, Zhang Tao, Wang Zhihua etc.
Development Zones and Their Surrounding Host Cities in China: Isolation and Mutually Beneficial Interactions Gao Shuang, Wang Shaojian, Sun Dongqi
Research on the Application of Econometric Model Parameters in Measuring the Internalization Degree of Industrial Positive Externalities Yu Huilu, Dong Suocheng, Fei Hongping, Li Fei etc.
Prediction and optimization of heating and cooling loads in a residential building based on multi-layer perceptron neural network and different optimization algorithms Xu Yuanjin, Li Fei, Asgari Armin
Predicting the thresholds of metals with limited toxicity data with invertebrates in standard soils using quantitative ion character-activity relationships (QICAR) Li Jinping, Wang Xuedong, Yang Junxing, Liu Yanju etc.
Off-farm employment experience triggers heterogeneity of exiting part-time farming in rural China Bai Yunli, Wang Weidong, Zhang Linxiu
A toponymic cultural heritage protection evaluation method considering environmental effects in a context of cultural tourism integration Wang Yingying, Wang Yingjie, Zhang Dan, Zhang Tongyan etc.
Multi-model driven by diverse precipitation datasets increases confidence in identifying dominant factors for runoff change in a subbasin of the Qaidam Basin of China Lv Aifeng, Qi Shanshan, Wang Gangsheng
A Two-Source Normalized Soil Thermal Inertia Model for Estimating Field-Scale Soil Moisture from MODIS and ASTER Data Hao Guibin, Su Hongbo, Zhang Renhua, Tian Jing etc.