Title Authors
Agro Climatic Zoning of Saffron Culture in Miyaneh City by Using WLC Method and Remote Sensing Data Zamani Ali, Sharifi Alireza, Felegari Shilan, Tariq Aqil etc.
The Influence of Underlying Land Cover on the Accuracy of MODIS C6.1 Aerosol Products-A Case Study over the Yangtze River Delta Region of China Sun Kun, Gao Yang, Qi Bing, Yu Zhifeng
Recent changes in global dryland temperature and precipitation Daramola Mojolaoluwa Toluwalase, Xu Ming
Evolution of the Structure of the Urban Land-Price System in China Based on the Rank-Size Law Liu Xiaoyu, Xin Liangjie
Spatial heterogeneity of changes in cropland ecosystem water use efficiency and responses to drought in China Zhao Anzhou, Yu Qiuyan, Cheng Dayu, Zhang Anbing
Research on the Application of Econometric Model Parameters in Measuring the Internalization Degree of Industrial Positive Externalities Yu Huilu, Dong Suocheng, Fei Hongping, Li Fei etc.
Generating Fine-Scale Aerosol Data through Downscaling with an Artificial Neural Network Enhanced with Transfer Learning Wang Menglin, Franklin Meredith, Li Lianfa
Influence of Rural Social Capital and Production Mode on the Subjective Well-Being of Farmers and Herdsmen: Empirical Discovery on Farmers and Herdsmen in Inner Mongolia Li Wenlong, Dong Suocheng, Lin Haiying, Li Yu etc.
Consistency Analysis and Accuracy Assessment of Three Global Ten-Meter Land Cover Products in Rocky Desertification Region-A Case Study of Southwest China Wang Jun, Yang Xiaomei, Wang Zhihua, Cheng Hongbin etc.
Evaluation of Eight High-Resolution Gridded Precipitation Products in the Heihe River Basin, Northwest China Wang Yuwei, Zhao Na