Title Authors
First results of all-weather soil moisture retrieval from an optical/thermal infrared remote-sensing-based operational system in China Leng P; Li ZL; Duan SB; Gao MF etc.
Estimation of arsenic bioaccessibility in raw and cooked radish using simulated in vitro digestion Hu L; Zhang BJ; Wu DS; Fan HB etc.
In-situ solidification/stabilization of heavy metals contaminated site soil using a dry jet mixing method and new hydroxyapatite based binder Xia WY; Du YJ; Li FS; Li CP etc.
Accuracy of Saturated Soil Hydraulic Conductivity Estimated from Numerically Simulated Single-Ring Infiltrations Bagarello V; Iovino M; Lai JB
Ecological analysis of Kashin-Beck osteoarthropathy risk factors in Tibet's Qamdo City, China Zha XJ; Gao X
The indirect carbon emission from household consumption in China between 1995-2009 and 2010-2030: A decomposition and prediction analysis Xia Y; Wang HJ; Liu WD
Freshwater costs of seawater desalination: Systems process analysis for the case plant in China Liu SY; Zhang GX; Han MY; Wu XD etc.
Understanding the Wellbeing of the Oldest-Old in China: A Study of Socio-Economic and Geographical Variations Based on CLHLS Data Gu LJ; Cheng Y; Phillips DR; Rosenberg M
3-D Deep Feature Construction for Mobile Laser Scanning Point Cloud Registration Zhang Zhenxin, Sun Lan, Zhong Ruofei, Chen Dong etc.
Study on pollution behavior and sulfate formation during the typical haze event in Nanjing with water soluble inorganic ions and sulfur isotopes Guo Ziyan, Guo Qingjun, Chen Shanli, Zhu Bin etc.