Title Authors
Assessing spatial-temporal heterogeneity of China's landscape fragmentation in 1980-2020 Zou Lilin, Wang Jianying, Bai Mengdi
Quantifying supply chain food loss in China with primary data: A large-scale, field-survey based analysis for staple food, vegetables, and fruits Lu Shijun, Cheng Guangyan, Li Tai, Xue Li etc.
Estimating China's Population over 21st Century: Spatially Explicit Scenarios Consistent with the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) Chen Jie, Liu Yujie, Zhang Ermei, Pan Tao, Liu Yanhua
Sparse reconstruction with spatial structures to automatically determine neighbors Yu Wenhao, Zhang Yifan, Chen Zhanlong, Ai Tinghua
How livelihood capital affects farmers' willingness to pay for farmland non-market value? Evidence from Jianghan Plain, China Yang Xin, Sang Yiming, Zhang Anlu
Baseflow signature behaviour of mountainous catchments around the North China Plain Lyu Shixuan, Zhai Yuyu, Zhang Yongqiang, Cheng Lei etc.
Model construction of urban agglomeration expansion simulation considering urban flow and hierarchical characteristics Wang Haijun, Wu Yue, Deng Yu, Xu Shan
A composite drought index developed for detecting large-scale drought characteristics Faiz Muhammad Abrar, Zhang Yongqiang, Zhang Xuanze, Ma Ning etc.
Spatial mismatch for distinct socioeconomic groups in Xiamen, China Li Yongling, Geertman Stan, Lin Yanliu, Hooimeijer Pieter etc.
Potential Range Shift of Snow Leopard in Future Climate Change Scenarios Li Xinhai, Ma Liming, Hu Dazhi, Ma Duifang etc.