At the UNFCCC COP19 in Warsaw,a Ministerial Roundtable on Ecosystem based Adaptation in the context of South-South cooperation was organized at the China Pavilion on November 19, 2013.
11 22, 2013A European delegation from the Research Data Alliance (RDA) visited IGSNRR on 23 Oct. 2013
11 05, 2013Prof. HUANG Jikun is elected as a new TWAS fellow for his outstanding contribution in Social and Economic Sciences.
10 09, 2013Dr. ZHANG Linxiu win the 2013 TWAS-Celso Furtado Prize in Social Sciences.
10 08, 2013Government of China is set to spend 500 million renminbi to clean up groundwater polluted by industry and agriculture.
07 10, 2013China is currently managing to feed its people , but food loss and waste throughout the supply chain must be taken into account if food security is to be maintained in the future.
06 18, 2013The project titled “Enhancing capacity, knowledge and technology support to build climate resilience of vulnerable developing countries” was officially launched on April 22, 2013 in Beijing, China.
05 03, 2013Prof. Vern Singhroy, a senior scientist with Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, took an academic visiting to IGSNRR On April 26th, 2013.
04 28, 2013The Mekong Environmental Symposium held in Ho Chi Minh City of Vietnam from 5-7 March,2013.
03 27, 2013To ensure food security, China is racing to develop new cultivars of staple grains that thrive in a warmer world
02 17, 2013