Title Authors
SNN_flow: a shared nearest-neighbor-based clustering method for inhomogeneous origin-destination flows Liu Qiliang, Yang Jie, Deng Min, Song Ci, Liu Wenkai
Urban spatial epidemic simulation model: A case study of the second COVID-19 outbreak in Beijing, China Huang Qiang, Liu Qiyong, Song Ci, Liu Xiaobo etc.
Safe utilization of cadmium- and lead-contaminated farmland by cultivating a winter rapeseed/maize rotation compared with two phytoextraction approaches Guo Junmei, Zheng Guodi, Yang Junxing, Chen Tongbin etc.
Evolution of aerosol chemistry in Beijing under strong influence of anthropogenic pollutants: Composition, sources, and secondary formation of fine particulate nitrated aromatic compounds Ren Yanqin, Wei Jie, Wang Gehui, Wu Zhenhai etc.
Ecological State of Lake Gusinoe-A Cooling Pond of the Gusinoozersk GRES Radnaeva Larisa D., Bazarzhapov Tcogto Zh., Shiretorova Valentina G., Zhigzhitzhapova Svetlana V. etc.
Source and formation process impact the chemodiversity of rainwater dissolved organic matter along the Yangtze River Basin in summer Chen Shuang, Xie Qiaorong, Su Sihui, Wu Libin etc.
Community Composition and Structure Affect Ecosystem and Canopy Water Use Efficiency Across Three Typical Alpine Ecosystems Li Yuzhe, Zhang Xinyuan, Shao Quanqin, Fan Jiangwen etc.
Nature-Based Solutions Benefit the Economic-Ecological Coordination of Pastoral Areas: An Outstanding Herdsman's Experience in Xilin Gol, China Wang Boyu, Yan Huimin, Xue Zhichao, Batunacun etc.
Content of Selenium and Other Elements, Water Quality, Health Risks and Utilization Prospect in Natural Water of Southern Qinling-Daba Mountains, Southern Shaanxi, China Hao Litao, Zhang Shixi, Luo KunliT
Using Machine Learning to Identify the Potential Marginal Land Suitable for Giant Silvergrass (Miscanthus x giganteus) Hao Mengmeng, Chen Shuai, Qian Yushu, Jiang Dong etc.