Title Authors
Energy globalization of China: Trade, investment, and embedded energy flows Yang Yu
Contributions of climate change to cereal yields in Tibet, 1993-2017 Ding Rui, Shi Wenjiao
Effect of Lactobacillus plantarum Inoculation on Chemical Composition, Fermentation, and Bacterial Community Composition of Ensiled Sweet Corn Whole Plant or Stover Ma Zhi-Yuan, Ungerfeld Emilio, Ouyang Zhu, Zhou Xiao-Ling etc.
Quantifying the effects of meteorological change between neighboring days on human thermal comfort in China Tian Peipei, Lu Hongwei, Li Dan, Guan Yanlong
Evaluating sediment connectivity and its effects on sediment reduction in a catchment on the Loess Plateau, China Liu Wei, Shi Changxing, Ma Yongyong, Wang Yanjun
Migration and household arrangements of rural families in China: Evidence from a survey in Anhui Province Xu Zening, Shen Jie, Gao Xiaolu, Zhen Maocheng
Combining MSPA-MCR Model to Evaluate the Ecological Network in Wuhan, China Hu Chunguang, Wang Ziyi, Wang Yu, Sun Dongqi etc.
Swidden agriculture in transition and its roles in tropical forest loss and industrial plantation expansion Li Peng, Xiao Chiwei, Feng Zhiming
Evaluation of Eight High-Resolution Gridded Precipitation Products in the Heihe River Basin, Northwest China Wang Yuwei, Zhao Na
Climate-associated major food crops production change under multi-scenario in China Liu Yujie, Zhang Jie, Pan Tao, Chen Qiaomin etc.