The responses of the Date of autumn Foliar Senescence (DFS) to climate change have focused for a better interpretation of carbon uptake.Prof. WU Chaoyang's team at IGSNRR explored the changes of DFS in autumn with climate change (i.e. decline in winds) ...
04 23, 2021Global urban expansion has been continuously accelerating since 2000, according to a recent research article published in the journal Science Bulletin.
04 13, 2021The Online Admission Briefing for International Students organized by the Education Department of the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) was held in the afternoon on January 22, 20...
02 01, 2021Although remote sensing provides useful data products for global monitoring of air pollutants, the extensive non-random missingness due to cloud contamination or high surface reflectance severely limits their applicability. As a critical traffic-related...
01 11, 2021The fraction of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) absorbed by green elements (fAPAR) is an essential climate variable in quantifying canopy absorbed PAR and gross and net primary production. Continuous and accurate measurement of the fAPAR is th...
12 22, 2020A book entitled Land Use Transitions and Rural Restructuring in China was published by Springer. This book has a total of 563 pages and 166 illustrations, including 146 color pictures, and is divided into four parts, each containing three to four Chapte...
11 09, 2020On October 31, 2020, Ms. ZHANG Linxiu, professor of the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Director of United Nations Environment Programme – International Ecosystem Management Partne...
11 05, 2020To celebrate the United Nations International Day for South-South Cooperation, Dr.ZHANG Linxiu, the Director of the United Nations Environment Programme- International Ecosystem Management Partnership (UNEP-IEMP), were interviewed to share experiences a...
09 15, 2020Chinese scientists and researchers are looking to big data and crowdsourcing to shore up bird conservation and interest along China's coast.
06 10, 2020