Title: Life Expectancy, Air Pollution, and Socioeconomic Factors: A Multivariate Time-Series Analysis of Beijing City, China
Authors: Yang Hao, Wang Shaobin, Ren Zhoupeng, Liu Haimeng etc.
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Year: 2022
Abstract: This paper investigated the dynamic relationship between ife expectancy (LE) and its inflencing factors including, health care, socioeconomic, and environment factors in Beijing City of China. Time-series data from 2000 to 2018 were collected and vector autoregression (VAR) modeling was performed. This study quantified the lagged effect of air pollution and socioeconomic factors on increased LE over the 19 years of the study period in Beijing. The results showed that a VAR model with optimum lag 3 was constructed between LE and three explanatory variables including per capita area of green land (AGL), the average wage of employed staff and workers (WAGE), and PM2.5. In addition, LE showed a decrease from its present value once the impulse of AGL and WAGE are given. In contrast, LE increase from its present value after the impulse of PM2.5 given in the ten-year period analysis. In sum, environment factors such as air pollution and area of green land are considered to be highly effective in influencing LE than socioeconomic factors in Beijing City.
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Classification: SCI