Title Authors
Reducing livestock quantities to avoid manure nitrogen surplus: Would meat self-sufficiency be met in eastern regions of China? Li, Y., Sun, Z., Deng, X., Accatino, F.
Increasing food and feed self-sufficiency and avoiding manure N surplus in eastern regions of China through a spatial crop-livestock optimisation model Li, Y., Shi, Y., Deng, X., Sun, Z.etc.
Declining coupling between vegetation and drought over the past three decades Li Delong, An Li. Zhong Shuai., Shen Lei etc.
Plant height as an indicator for alpine carbon sequestration and ecosystem response to warming Quan Quan, Nianpeng He, Ruiyang Zhang, Jinsong Wang etc.
Size, distribution and vulnerability of the global soil inorganic carbon. Science Yuanyuan Huang*, Xiaodong Song, Ying-Ping Wang, Josep G. Canadell etc.
Dynamic evolution of spring sand and dust storms and cross-border response in Mongolian plateau from 2000 to 2021 Zhang, Y.,Wang, J., Ochir, A.etc.
Disaster Mapping and Assessment of Pakistan’s 2022 Mega-Flood Based on Multi-Source Data Driven Approach Juanle Wang,Kai Li,Lina Hao etc.
Mining public behaviour patterns from social media data during emergencies: a multidimensional analytical framework considering spatial–temporal–semantic features Han, X., Wang, J., Zhang X. etc.
Retrieval and validation of vertical LAI profile derived from airborne and spaceborne LiDAR data at a deciduous needleleaf forest site Wang, Y., Fang, H., Zhang, Y., L etc.
Future global streamflow declines are probably more severe than previously estimated Zhang Yongqiang, Zheng Hongxing, Zhang Xuanze, Leung L. Ruby etc.