Prof. FANG Chuanglin and his team from IGSNRR,CAS designed and developed the Urbanization and Eco-environment Coupler (UEC) to simulate urbanization and eco-environment coupling.
07 11, 2019China is one of the three regions with the highest N (Nitrogen) deposition in the world. Better understanding of the spatio-temporal pattern of N deposition is critical for environmental management and policy development.
05 21, 2019Transportation is an important driving factor in land use change. Researches from IGSNRR have revealed the spatial relationship of high-speed transportation construction and land-use efficiency and its mechanism in the Shandong Peninsula urban agglomer...
04 29, 2019Crop models are parameterization schemes that simulate the processes of crop development and production. Their inclusion in climate models can promote the simulation ability of climate models, according to Dr. ZOU Jing and his co-researchers.
04 09, 2019Dr. GENG Yuanbo’s group found that Raw Material Carbonate Method is more accurate and simpler than other methods based on inorganic carbon and organic carbon to calculate carbon dioxide emission factors.
03 05, 2019Autumn leaf-senescence has been challenging to predict but plays an important role in regulating carbon balance of ecosystems. Prof. WU Chaoyang’s team at the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences ...
11 27, 2018Job and housing dynamics are related to commutes of our daily life. Few longitudinal studies have examined their correlations. Now, a study reporting in PNAS on November 19 have investigated job and housing dynamics by various mobility groups.
11 20, 2018Facilities connectivity is a priority area for implementing the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The "China-Europe Railway Express" (CER Express) scheduled high-speed freight train services between China and countries along the "Silk Road Economic Belt" ...
11 14, 2018The ecosystem of the Tibetan Plateau is highly susceptible to climate change. Using precipitation and temperature records along with Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data, Dr.HUA Ting and Prof. WANG Xunming analyzed the temporal and spatial...
09 17, 2018