Financing Sustainable Agriculture under Climate Change

Agricultural is facing great challenge in meeting global food security and is expected to face even greater challenge under climate change. To what extent of the impacts of climate change on agriculture will occur will highly depend on whether such impacts can be countered by investments in agriculture. However, investment in agriculture is not promising. It is estimated that the current investment and commitment to invest fall far short of the requirements necessary to meet the growing needs, especially in the developing world.

Recently, with rising awareness of consequence of climate change, while climate change is likely to approach international and national action plans, the design and implementation of effective mitigation and adaptation strategies in agriculture is still at its infancy. The measures to implement the plans and actions are not clear. A series of questions need to investigate. How agricultural mitigation and adaptation plans could be funded (including both domestic finance and foreign aid)? What kind of financing in agricultural mitigation and adaptation to climate change has been shown to be worked well in real world? What are the programs that have not work well but could work with appropriate improvement? And what finance practices are scalable in the same region and transferable from one region to other regions?

Based on a literature review of overall finance and successful finance practices, Prof. HUANG Jikun and Dr. WANG from the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR), Chinese Academy of Sciences examined how finance can be used to achieve the joint objectives of development, mitigation and adaptation in agriculture in developing world.

The results show that agriculture is much under invested and foreign aid also has not increased appropriately to assist developing countries to maintain sustainable agriculture under climate change. There are a wide range of areas in mitigation and adaptation to climate change that need substantial investment. Major areas and successful cases on agricultural mitigation of and adaptation to climate change that have worked in developing countries are examined. A list of areas that have worked, could work and be scaled up or transferred is identified and discussed. This study concludes that mainstreaming agricultural mitigation and adaptation into agricultural development programs, enhancing local capacity, and considering different stakeholders’ needs are major experiences for successfully financing sustainable agriculture under climate change.

The related study has been published in Journal of Integrative Agriculture (Jikun Huang* and Yangjie Wang, Financing Sustainable Agriculture under Climate Change, Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2014).

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