Researchers Develop a Surface Modeling Method for Mapping Soil Properties

Spatial distribution of soil property is affected by environmental factors, which make spatial variation of soil properties vary severely within a short horizontal distance. Therefore, it is difficult to interpolate soil property distribution accurately when we ignore obvious environmental features.

Based on the improvement of High Accuracy Surface Modeling (HASM) constructed by Prof. YUE Tianxiang from Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGSNRR-CAS), much progress has been done on the study of the soil properties of high accuracy surface modeling.

Researchers from IGSNRR-CAS presenteda method of HASM combined geographic information for soil property interpolation (HASM-SP) to improve the accuracy. Compared with traditional methods, HASM-SP can not only reduce prediction errors but also can be accordant with the distribution of geographic information, which make the spatial simulation of soil property more reasonable. HASM-SP has enriched the theory of high accuracy surface modeling of soil property, and also has provided a scientific method for the application in soil management.

The related studies have been published in Journal of Geographical Sciences and Geoderma.

1.  Wenjiao Shi,Jiyuan Liu, Zhengping Du, Tianxiang Yue. Development of a surface modeling method for mapping soil properties. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2012, 22(4): 752-760 (SCI).

2.  Wenjiao Shi, Jiyuan Liu, Zhengping Du, A., Stein, Tianxiang Yue. Surface modeling of soil properties based on land use information. Geoderma, 2011, 162(3-4): 347-357 (SCI).

3.  Wenjiao Shi,Jiyuan Liu, Zhengping Du, Yinjun Song, Chuanfa Chen, Tianxiang Yue. Surface modelling of soil pH. Geoderma,2009, 150: 113-119 (SCI).

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