Renowned Chinese Geographer Revitalizes Rural Villages through Science & Innovation


Professor LIU Yansui is the Chair of International Geographical Union Commission on Agricultural Geography and Land Engineering (IGU-AGLE). In a recent exclusive interview with the Global Times, he introduced his work in promoting ecological land consolidation technologies and industrialization models, and promoting the standardization of third-party assessment of national targeted poverty alleviation.

As the Chairman of the Alliance of International Science Organizations-Alliance of Poverty Reduction and Development (ANSO-APRD), Liu actively promoted collaboration between Belt and Road partner countries and organizations. He has shared his work and practical experience with developing countries that could apply such knowledge in their development. (

The International Geographical Union paid attention to this interview and reprinted the full text with editor's note. (

LIU Yansui is a professor of Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research of Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGSNRR, CAS), the Fellow of the World Academy of Sciences, the Fellow of Geographical Society of China, and the Yangtze Distingushed Scholar.

He is the Director General of Key Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Development Modeling, CAS. He has received numerous awards and accolades including the Social Sciences Award by The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), the IGU Distinguished Geographical Practice Award, the National Innovation Forefront Award, and the Technology Development Promotion Prize, CAS.

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