Executed “EbA South” Project Highly Recognized and Selected to Feature as the First GEF’s Good Practice Brief on EbA

Ecosystem-based Adaptation through South-South Cooperation (EbA South, 2013-2020) has been selected by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to present its story, successes and lessons learned as a Good Practice Brief of GEF-funded project. The GEF secretariat has selected it from several nominations by various GEF agencies, taking into consideration approaches used to generate multiple global environmental benefits and co-benefits, and to achieve clear results and/or sustainability. This is also the first GEF brief ever written on Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA).  

The project was funded by the GEF Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF) as a flagship initiative for South-South Cooperation, enabling an exchange of technology transfer, capacity building, policy support and fundraising between countries in the Global South. The project was implemented by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and executed by the National Development and Reform Commission of China (NDRC), through the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The project catalyzed global and regional collaboration on EbA, especially sharing China’s experience and research know-how in ecological restoration and climate change adaptation. Nature-based solutions for climate adaptation were piloted in key vulnerable ecosystems, i.e. deserts in Mauritania, mountains in Nepal, and coasts in the Seychelles. Moreover, the project has brought about positive impacts with legacy in the pilot countries and beyond, including Mekong EbA South. 

In the Good Practice Brief of GEF in March, 2022, EbA South team shares invaluable experiences on the two key features, namely EbA interventions for technology transfer and long-term research, and South-South Cooperation for knowledge exchange and capacity building. It also addresses EbA South’s lessons on science-based interventions, adaptive management, documentation of EbA interventions, and professional interpreters for cross-culture learning. 

As a next step, the GEF secretariat is planning for a webinar to introduce the features and lessons learned from EbA South to other countries and GEF agencies for their future and ongoing projects. 

The successes of EbA South attribute to the continued efforts of UNEP-International Ecosystem Management Partnership, a joint global center between UNEP and Chinese Academy of Sciences, which is hosted by Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

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