The Second Sino-Japanese Academic Exchange Meeting of Water Cycle and River Health held in Japan

Under the major project of international cooperation-"Impact of the Huaihe River Gate Dam on river environment and ecosystem restoration control study", co-financed by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC) and the Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST), Prof. Xia Jun recently launched the second academic exchanges and international cooperation activities on water cycle and river health. On October 23-29 2007, A joint delegation including Prof.Cheng Shengkui (Deputy Director, Institute of Geographic Science and Natural Resources Research, CAS), Chen Weiping(Asian-African cooperation Group, Bureau of International Cooperation, CAS), Prof. Liu Changming, Prof. Xia Jun and Prof. Song Xianfang (Key Laboratory of Water cycle and Related Land Surface Processes, Institute of Geographic Science and Natural Resources Research, CAS), Cheng Xushui(Deputy Director of Water Resources Protection Bureau, Huaihe River Water Resources Commission ) and YU Xuezhong(Associate Professor, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research ) had been to Japan to carry out academic exchange activities.

On October 23, the delegation visited the University of Tsukuba, and reached a preliminary establishment of "Joint Center for Water Resources," and organization of students seminars in 2008. On the 24th visit to the National Institute for Environmental Studies and the Institute of Civil Engineering, the delegation visited the International Water Disaster and Risk Management Center. On the second academic exchange meeting of water cycle and river health in the 25th, Prof. Cheng Shengkui addressed on the opening ceremony, Prof. Liu Changming, Xia Jun and other six representatives gave the research report. The delegation visited the natural symbiosis research center and Nagara River estuary weir after the meeting.

The activities exchanged the new study progress and results on the water cycle and river health, deeply understand the impact of China′s Huaihe River Valley Gate Dam and its function on Water environment, established a long-term relationship and ties of cooperation, and promoted the long-term cooperation on Sino-Japanese water cycle, water resources and water environment.

The Second Sino-Japanese Academic Exchange Meeting of Water Cycle and River Health

Visit the University of Tsukuba

Visit the International Water Disaster andRiskManagementCenter

Visit theNaturalSymbiosisResearchCenter

Visit theNagaraRiverestuary weir

From: Key Laboratory of Water Cycle & Related Land Surface Processes

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