Academic Report: GeoAI for Urban Analytics and Mobility Prediction

Topic: GeoAI for Urban Analytics and Mobility Prediction

Speaker:  Prof. HUANG Haosheng, Ghent University

Time: 10:30am Sep. 25, 202

Venue: Meeting Room A0214, IGSNRR

Breif Introduction to the report:

Integrating geographical knowledge, concepts, and techniques into artificial intelligence (AI) offers new possibilities for reducing the amount of training data, enhancing model performance, and improving model interpretability.

This interdisciplinary fusion has given rise to an emerging research field in GIScience: geospatial artificial intelligence (GeoAI). GeoAI leverages various sources of location (big) data—such as GNSS and sensor data, street view imagery, social media content, and crowdsourced geographic information—to address a wide range of geographic problems and broader challenges.

In this report, He will present their team's recent research achievements in the field of GeoAI, with particular focus on its applications in urban analytics and mobility prediction.

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