Academic Report: Modelling of Hydrological and Soil Erosion Processes under Climate Change and Land Use Pattern of the Lake Tana Basin, Ethiopia

Topic: Modelling of Hydrological and Soil Erosion Processes under Climate Change and Land Use Pattern of the Lake Tana Basin, Ethiopia

Speaker: Dr. Birhan Getachew Tikuye

Time: 10:00-11:00am June 4, 2024

Venue: Meeting Room A0430

Host: Prof. QIN Chengzhi

Brief Introduction to the Speaker:

Dr. Birhan Getachew Tikuye, who currently is a Visiting Scientist funded by CAS President's International Fellowship Initiative (PIFI). He pursued his Doctoral studies at Mangalore University, India, focusing on hydrological modeling within the Geoinformatics Division.

For his PhD studies, he received funding from the International Foundation for Science in Stockholm, Sweden. He participated in various visiting fellowship programs, including at the IHE Delft Institute for Water Education in the Netherlands, Trinity College Dublin in Ireland, and the Slovakia Academy of Science in Slovakia.

Dr. Birhan has authored over ten articles in Scopus and Web Science Indexed Journals. His research interests encompass a wide array of topics, including hydrological and ecological modeling, soil erosion modeling, climate change projection, adaptation, and mitigation, as well as land use and land cover dynamics. He also specializes in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing applications for natural resources management. 

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