The 7th Academic Forum on Land Surface System in 2018


Research and Development Actions to Uphold Ecosystem Balances and Services

Brief introduction to the report


Dr. Gete Zeleke will introduce research and development actions to uphold ecosystem balances and services in Africa, particularly he will introduce the state of the environment in Ethiopia.


Prof. Gete Zelekeis currently a SSC member of GLP (Global Land Programme) (, and also Director of the Water and Land Resources Center in Ethiopia as well as Director of Ethiopian Resource Center at the University of Bern, Switzerland. He is also member of the International Resource Panel (IRP) of UNEA and contributing author of the Land and Soils-II and Food Systems Report of IRP. He has over 25 years of professional experience from assignments in natural resources management and rural development in Ethiopia and Sub-Saharan Africa on both research and practical development works. His current studies focus on landscape transformation, hydro-sedimentology, and sustainable land management.


2:30-4:30pm June 12, 2018


Room2209, IGSNRR


Prof. DONG Jinwei


Key Laboratory of Land Surface Pattern and Simulation of CAS

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