The 42nd GIS Academic Forum

Topic: Big Data for Detecting and Analyzing Human Activities

Speaker: Prof. HUANG Bo, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

Brief Introduction to the Report

Big data has emerged as one of the most actively researched topics in science and humanities in recent years. As type of data reflecting urban dynamics, big data has rapidly gained in popularity and shown promising potential for various applications including urban management and environmental monitoring. In particular, the increasing availability of satellite imagery, social media data and mobile phone records has generated tremendous opportunities for enriching urban application data sources, thereby fueling the development of geographical information systems (GIS). In this presentation, he will give a brief introduction of big data. Subsequently, and discuss their recent work on using big data to detect urban structure and urban vibrancy, monitor urban environment, and estimate population-weighted air pollution exposure.

Host: Prof. DU Yunyan, State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System

Time: 10:00-12:00am Qct.10, 2017

Venue: Room2321, IGSNRR

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