International Conference on Land Use Issues and Policy in China under Rapid Rural and Urban Transformation

20–21 October 2012

Beijing, the People’s Republic of China

We invite papers on any of the following themes and also welcome proposals for additional related themes to be incorporated into the final program. Initial themes include:

1. Land use issues, strategies and policies in China;

2. Regional differentiation and modes of land use in China;

3. Land use policy (tenure and benefits for farmers) innovations in China;

4. Rural-urban transformative development and its impacts on land use changes in China;

5. Integrated consolidation and allocation of rural-urban land in China;

6. Policy countermeasures for urban expansion and farmland protection in China;

7. Policy implications of regional land use changes and their consequences in China.

A 300 words abstract in English, including the title, the name(s) of author(s), affiliation, contact address, telephone and email address, should be sent to Hualou Long ( with the subject line of “Land Use Policy in China Conference” by the deadline of abstract submission.

Present papers would be turned into submissions to the themed issue of Land Use Policy (Guest-Editor: Professor Hualou Long) on “Land Use Issues and Policy in China under Rapid Rural and Urban Transformation”. Submitted manuscripts for this themed issue would all go through the usual refereeing process, with manuscripts submitted through the publisher’s online system.

Details and abstract  submission are at the First Circular.