International Academic Report

Topic:The late Holocene climate history of the Tibetan Plateau: A multiproxyperspective

Speaker:Prof.Dr.Br?uning, Achim(Professor ofInstitute of GeographyatUniversity of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany)


I. Education and Academic Degrees

1983-1992: Universities of Stuttgart and Hohenheim

Subjects: Geography, Biology (Botany, Zoology), Biophysics, Soil Sciences

1992: Diploma in Biology, 1. State Exam (Geography/ Biology)

1999: Dissertation for PhD (summa cum laude; Institute for Botany, University of Hohenheim)

24.11.2004: Habilitation at the Faculty of Geo- and Biosciences at the University of Stuttgart, Germany.

II. Professional Positions

1992-1996: Scientific employee in the Institute for Botany at the University of Hohenheim, Germany

1996-2006: Research scientist at the Institute for Geography at the University of Stuttgart, Germany

Since March 2006: Full Professor for Physical Geography at the Institute of Geography, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany

III. Additional Scientific Activities

·     President of the Association for Tree-Ring Research (

·     Speaker of the working group of High Mountain Geography of the Association of Geographers at German Universities

·     Speaker of the Interdisciplinary Centre of Ecosystem Research of the University Erlangen-Nürnberg (since January 2008)

·     Numerous reviews for scientific journals (among other, for Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Chemical Geology, Climatic Change, Climate Dynamics, Climate Research Dendrochronologia)

·     Communicating Editor for Trees – Structure and Function since 2010

Time:2:00pm Aug. 25, 2011

Venue:Room 2602, IGSNRR