Speaker: Prof. Dr. Krishna Shenai (The University of Toledo)
Topic: Smart Sensors and Intelligent Wireless Networks: Powering 21st Century Global Economy
Time: 2:00 PM Dec. 11, 2008
Location: Room2521, IGSNRR
Contact: Shaofeng Jia, Aifeng Lv
Tel: 010-64856539,010-64889456
E-mail: jiasf@igsnrr.ac.cn;lvaf@igsnrr.ac.cn
Dr. Krishna Shenai is the Professor and Chair of EECS Department at The University of Toledo, OH. Prior to his current
position, he was the first USTAR professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Utah State University in Logan, UT. The Utah Science, Technology, and Research (USTAR) program is a new initiative by the Utah State Legislature and mandates advanced technology development and commercialization for economic development and high-tech job creation in the State of Utah. Professor Shenai is a well-known international authority on low-power wireless technologies, and high-voltage and smart-power devices and applications. He earned his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Stanford University, MS degree in electrical engineering from The University of Maryland – College Park, MD, and B. Tech. degree in electronics from IIT – Madras in India. For over a decade, Dr. Shenai held senior technical and leadership positions at COMSAT Labs, GE Corporate R&D Center, and Intel Corporation where he conceived and developed technologies and products that are netting multi-billion dollar annual sales revenue. He was a professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Wisconsin – Madison and the University of Illinois – Chicago where he developed and delivered over $50 million sponsored academic research to Fortune-2000 companies and government agencies, founded and directed two world-class research centers, contributed to recruitment and curriculum development, and graduated over three dozen graduate students with thesis research. Dr. Shenai is a seasoned entrepreneur and has founded and managed three successful venture-financed startup companies. He has authored over 300 peer-reviewed papers, four books and ten book chapters, and is a named inventor in 14 issued US patents. Dr. Shenai is a Fellow of IEEE, Fellow of AAAS, a Fellow of IETE (India), a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Electron Devices Society, a University Scholar of the University of Illinois, and a member of the Yugoslavian National Academy of Engineering.