Report on Geographical and Spatial Approach

Topic: New directions in electronic health surveillance: focus on geographical and spatial approach

Speaker: Dr. Ben Reis, Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology

Breif Introduction:

Dr. Ben Reis is a faculty member at Harvard Medical School and the Children’s Hospital Informatics Program at the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology. His research focuses on public health and clinical informatics and computational epidemiology. Dr. Ben Reis is a Manager of the Markle Foundation′s Information Technologies for Better Health program, working to help consumers, patients, and health care providers use information technology to improve health and health care. Dr. Reis focuses on long-term strategy, developing innovative, forward-looking initiatives in the field of Technology and Health. Dr. Reis′s career spanned a diversity of experiences in industry, academia, and Foundation work. Dr. Reis has lectured at MIT, Harvard, and Cambridge Universities, and has an extensive research background in the computational health and biomedical technologies fields.


l Postdoctoral training at Harvard Medical School.

l Ph.D. in computer science and cognitive musicology, University of Cambridge.

l M.S. in Computer Science and Bioelectric Engineering, MIT.

l B.S. in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, MIT.

Loction Room 2321, Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Beijing

Time150017:00 p.m April 1,2008Tuesday

From: Key Lab for Resources and Environmental of Information System

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