2008 China Ecological Forum & UNESCO Training Course(First Announcement)

Climate Change and Ecosystem Adaptability with Focus on the Yangtze River Basin

(First Announcement)

I Training Course Context

The human-induced climate change has become an indisputable fact, as reflected in the 4AR of IPCC and the China 1st National Assessment Report on Climate Change. Ecosystem adaptability is generally recognized as a major component to address the climate change. How to conduct climate change research at the river basin scale still poses many challenges. The study on climate change and ecosystem adaptability, based on the existing data and outputs on climate change, hydrology and water resources and representative ecosystems, therefore, is a key research area that needs great attention.

It is a priority to study the climate change and ecosystem in the Yangtze River Basin. As one of the economic belts enjoying a long history, it is a key axis of economic growth in China, with a population of 450 million in the basin, and a GDP accounting for 45% of the country; The climate in the basin is vulnerable and sensitive to the global climate change, as evidenced by the flooding in 1998 in Central Yangtze, severe drought 2006 in Chongqing and severe snow and storm in Yangtze Basin; The watershed ecosystem is both vulnerable and highly adaptive to climate change. For example, the source area of Yangtze River, the subtropical forests in the upper reaches, the lakes in the middle reaches, and the estuarine delta in the lower reaches, among others, are mostly affected by the climate change, but these ecosystems are also strongly adaptive to the climate change.

II Objectives

The major objectives of the Training Course are to address the scientific issues on climate change and ecosystem adaptation, to exchange findings and best practices on climate change and ecosystem research in Yangtze River basin, and to advance long-term ecosystem observation and research on climate change science.

III Major Themes

l Scientific issues and methodologies on climate change and ecosystem adaptation

l Impact of climate change on hydrology and water resources

l Vulnerability and adaptation of ecosystems to climate change

l Response and adaptation of major ecosystems in Yangtze River basin to climate change

IV Organizers

l United Nation Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

l World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)

l Chinese Ecosystem Research Network (CERN), CAS

V Organizing Committee


Wolfgang Geiger UNESCO Chair in Sustainable Water Management,

Ming Xu Professor of the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS


Liming Wang Leader, HSBC Climate Partnership China Programme, WWF China

Xuliang Zhuang Chief of the Division of Ecology and Environment, Bureau of Science and Technology for Resource and Environment, CAS

Ping Yang Officer of Bureau of Science and Technology for Resource and Environment, CAS

Xiubo Yu Secretary General of the CERN Scientific Committee

VI Dates

7~9 April, 2008 (in which 8~9 for UNESCO Training Courses)

VII Venue

Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research(IGSNRR), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) , 11 A Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing.

VIII Working languages

Chinese and English (Interpretation for English presentation and discussion)

IX Contact

Dr. Xiubo Yu,

CERN Secretariat of Scientific Committee

Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS

Address: A11, Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China 100101

Fax: + 86 10 6486 8962


Website: www.cern.ac.cn

X Overall Arrangement

April 7: China Ecological Forum.

3 international and 5 domestic scientists will be invited to make presentation. 150 participants. Free registration and material will be provided. Transportation and accommodation costs for attending the Training Course should be borne by the participants themselves. Free boxed lunch will be offered by the organizer to the participants outside the Institute.

April 8-9: Training Course.

16 scientists will be invited to make presentations; 50 participants. Free registration, material and meals provided; Accommodation of the trainers and trainees from outside Beijing and travel cost of trainers will be covered by the Organizers.

XI Brief Introduction to the Organizers

The UNESCO Chair in “Sustainable Water Management”promotes the interaction between university education, research and private industry through Training Courses on burning topics for Chinas sustainable development inviting experienced researchers, young scientists and practicioners to attend. In addition University courses related to sustainable water management are offered, some of them enhanced by e-learning internet based material, established according to newest teaching strategies. The chair also offers a research component aiming for a scientifically sound, but simple Decision Support System (DSS) to select cost-effective best water management measures. Finally pilot studies are promoted and assistance is provided in preparing related proposals. Climate change impacts are a significant issue to be discussed in this context.

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). Since it was founded in 1961, WWF has become one of the world′s largest and most effective independent organizations dedicated to the conservation of nature. It has reached this status through a constant record of conservation achievements. WWF now operates in around 100 countries, supported by nearly five million people worldwide. Its initials and famous Panda logo have become a powerful rallying point for everyone who cares about the future of the planet and wants to help shape it in a positive way.

WWF-HSBC Climate Partnership China Programme, with the vision of protecting nature and people from the impacts of climate change will be implemented in China, India, Brazil, US and UK, and WWF China officially launched the Programme on December 4, 2007 in Beijing to reduce the impacts of climate change on people and nature by promoting actions in cities and rural communities in the Yangtze River, it will last for 5 years with HSBC investment of 10.8 million US dollars.

China Ecological Forum (CEF) was jointly initiated by Chinese Ecosystem Research Network (CERN), which is consisted of 36 long-term ecological research stations, 5 discipline centers and 1 synthesis center, with a purpose of ‘disseminating new knowledge, exchanging new ideas and presenting new findings’. Renowned national and international ecologists are invited to make oral presentation to the researchers and postgraduates in ecology. It is held on a regular basis, at least once each month. Symposia and other academic activities will also be held under the Forum.

Appendix 1_2008 Spring Symposium of China Ecological Forum Registration Form.doc

Appendix 2_The 4th UNESCO Training Course Registration Form.doc

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