CarboEastAsia Meeting 2007

CarboEastAsia Meeting 2007

International Seminar of A3 Foresight Program

Nov. 30-Dec.1, 2007, Beijing, China

1. Background and Objectives

Terrestrial ecosystems in East Asia cover large land area and they play a critical role in global carbon cycle. Therefore, knowledge of the carbon dynamics of the terrestrial ecosystems in East Asia is essential to advance our understanding of global carbon and water budgets and prediction of impacts of climate change. Over the past decade, many flux measurements have been conducted over some typical terrestrial ecosystems in East Asia by scientists from China, Japan and Korea, and several networks such as AsiaFlux, ChinaFLUX, JapanFlux and KoFlux have been established. However, such efforts are mostly carried out separately at a limited number of specific locations and over a limited period under the sponsorship of the respective funding agencies of individual countries. Under the urgent need of carrying out collaborative research of carbon cycle over the whole East Asia, a A3 Foresight Program was sponsored by NSFC, JSPS and KOSEF since August, 2007, based on the network-to-network integrative research on carbon and water cycles among ChinaFLUX, JapanFlux and KoFlux.

This first meeting of the A3 Foresight Project will provide a perfect opportunity for the scientists in China, Japan and Korea to discuss and address the mass and energy flux measurement and relevant topics in East Asia, and to work out the operable cooperative mechanism among ChinaFLUX, JapanFlux and KoFlux in future.

2. Topics

The first day of the meeting is academic seminar open to the public. Lectures by scientists from Japan, Korea and China will focus on the following topics:

  • Flux Measurements technique and methodology
  • Inter-site comparison, up-scaling, and integration of flux tower measurements
  • The spatial and temporal variability and uncertainty of carbon sink/source in east Asia
  • Modeling and Remote Sensing of carbon/water fluxes
  • Other topics...

3. Meeting Date and Venue

Date: Nov. 30-Dec.1, 2007,

Venue: Institute of Geographical Science and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Address: Datun Road A11, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, P. R. China

4. Organizers, Hosts and Sponsor

This meeting is organized by

Asia A3 Foresight Program CarboEastAsia: Capacity building among ChinaFlux, JapanFlux and KoFlux to cope with climate change protocols by synthesizing measurement, theory and modeling in quantifying and understanding of carbon fluxes and storages in East Asia?

hosted by

Synthesis Research Center, Chinese Ecosystem Research Network (CERN)

Institute of Geographical Science and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)

funded by

National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)

Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF)

CarboEastAsia Meeting 2007-Announcement.pdf
Registration form.doc

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