Environmental impact assessment of dams & floodgates and river ecosystem restoration in Huai River, China

Executive: XIA Jun

Huai River is such a basin with the largest averaged population density, much water dam projects and serious water pollution in China. This project will make use of the advantages of Chinese & Japanese partners on river environmental monitory, water-material circulations modeling, and operation & control technologies to focus on environmental impact assessment of dams & floodgates and river ecosystem restoration in Huai River of China. Key issues will involve follows:

(a) identify major causes of water pollution from water project construction and waste load, and assess objectively impact of dams & floodgates to river environment and ecosystem;
(b) provide a new technology by integrated operation of water projects on flood control & river ecological restoration with waste load control.

This research will provide not only a scientific foundation, but also a low environmental impacts utilization approach to water quality remediation & ecosystem sustainability of Huai River