Snowy Mountains

Mount Xixiabangma

Mount Xixiabangma Photo: Yang Yichou
Time: 1980s Site:On the surface of Nieniexiongla Plateau

Height: 5000 m

Brief Introduction: Mount Xixiabangma of the Himalayas, the 11th highest peak in the world, is 8012 meters high. In the 1960s, Chinese mountaineers climbed up it successfully. Meanwhile, a large scale of comprehensive survey was also carried out. Mount Xixiabangma is made up of three sister peaks with nearly the same elevations. At places some 200 and 400 meters northwestern from the head peak, there are apices of 8008 and 7966 meters high, respectively. Here is one of the centers of modern glaciation in the Himalayas. The Yebokangjiale Glacier, 13.5 kilometers long, lies on its north slope. In parallel with it is the Daqu Glacier. The most fascinating thing of the glaciers is an area of seracs at 5000 to 5800 meters, several thousands meters long. With peculiar shapes, seracs in this area form a vivid garden of ice carvings created by nature.